Our health is our greatest asset in making the highest contribution to the world around us.
Hi, I’m Jack and I believe that loving who you are allows you to become who you want to be. It is my passion to fill the world with strong, happy, and kind people, and I know that building them is an inside job.
For me, it started at age 28 — I was addicted to drugs and alcohol, deeply unhappy, unhealthy, in a lot of physical pain, and didn’t know what to do. Being angry at my body, judging myself, or just “trying harder” weren’t the catalyst I needed.
The truth is, we only take care of the things that we care about. I changed how I treated myself, which changed how I saw myself, and that finally changed my results. That was when I was finally able to get sober, get strong, and engage fully with my life.
You may be curious about strength training because you want to age well, move with less pain, or enjoy activities that currently seem out of your reach. I know that training is well-suited to those goals and is also one of the most powerful methods available for improving every single aspect of your life.
Taking care of our physical health is our responsibility, but it’s not something we can do all on our own! I am ready to walk with your toward strength — click below to get started: